30 miles of Sublime. Sept 2-5 2016
We did 4 days and 30 miles. It was outstanding.
Highlights? Meeting up with Frank. Following a family of bears for one mile on little Catalochee trail, perfect weather, crisp nights, being buzzed by a hawk. Pretty much everything. It was the best weekend of the year.
We packed a lot of
It was a short in to
our campsite from which be based for three nights. Got there late because
my car broke down but late is better than never.
We met Frank the next
morning as we were heading up to tick off the Catalochee Divide trail. I
needed it and so did Laurel. Frank had never been to the area so he turned
right back around and joined us for our 13 mile day.
It was clear as a bell
and cool.
Soon we dropped back
down into the valley where bridges are in great disrepair. But you know,
fee monies were supposed to go to the backcountry, right?
Lots of creek
crossings on Caldwell Fork. Nice feet relief.
Ring necked snake
captured by mtn Laurel.
By now, Frank is glad
he threw on our rope. These are new miles for him. I had to hike 13
to get 4.6. Such is the nature of the beast.
We ended up with a feast of filet and boars head smoked gouda board, ala Muir
faction. Delicious.
There are a lot of other pics I would like to share, but, unfortunately, my web server is being difficult. It has taken me days to get these pics up so I am quitting on this one. We did hike Little Catalochee trail and followed four bears for over a mile. That is a story for another time.
I will end on a sad note. For those of you who read my latest book, Father of Ice Mountains you will remember the chapter entitled, "The Skype's the Limit". It is quite funny if I do say so myself, and all my friends have laughed hilariously at it. However, one of the central characters was an alpinist by the name of Kyle Dempster. Here is a pic of me and Kyle on that trip. It just so happened that we sat next to each other in business elite class as Brian and I made our way to Muztagh Ata. Kyle had already received the Piolet d'or, climbing's highest bestowal for his ascent of a wall near the mountain we were attempting.
Kyle departed from us to begin this epic adventure.
Sadly, Kyle went missing on a remote peak called Ogre in Pakistan last week. All attempts to locate him and his partner have ceased and it is presumed the mountains have called him home. Kyle was a well respected and sponsored athlete. Rest in peace, Kyle. You are one of the great ones and it was a pleasure spending time with you.
The cataloochee experience was unequaled. Weather superb, company superb, hiking superb. What else can I say?